Corporate social responsibility
Our charity and solidarity actions in Poland
Similarly to Societe Generale Group, educating children and young people against social exclusion is at the heart of our CSR activities in the area of charity and solidarity actions in Poland, conducted regularly since 2008.
Since 2019, our employees have the opportunity to submit NGOs they work with on a daily basis to be included in programs implemented by our Branch. Based on employee surveys, the local CSR Committee has selected two partner organizations for 2022-2024:
Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw (Foundation for Good Initiatives)
The foundation implements educational projects to support children and young people from children’s homes. Their goal is to discover and develop the children's interests and talents, providing them with positive experiences during a variety of workshops, such as setting and achieving goals, creating budgets, effectively managing financial resources, or gaining their first work experience, what eventually will facilitate their start into their adult lives.
Stowarzyszenie Aslan (Aslan Association)
The Association supports young people experiencing difficulties in continuing their education or entering the labor market. The project includes individual classes, therapeutic holiday camps and groups to diagnose difficulties and offer participants relevant support so they feel confident to continue their education or compete in the labor market. In this way, the project contributes to equalizing opportunities among young people at risk of social exclusion.
We have been implementing our local volunteer programs continuously since 2008 with more than 150 employees involved to date and many continuing their volunteering activity. Between 2021-2023, our volunteers regularly participated in the actions of the Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw:
- "For a good start" - financing and collecting school supplies for children and young people from children’s homes
- "Packages for senior" - preparing packages for the most needy senior people in Warsaw
- "A Christmas Tree of Good Hearts" – offering Christmas gifts the beneficiaries of the foundation.
Being involved through sports
The involvement of our employees in charity and solidarity activities through sports is an important part of supporting our CSR program. By being a member of the Societe Generale running team, each participant raises additional funds for the charity and solidarity goals of our partner organizations. This initiative was launched in 2013 with more than 170 employees joining the local Societe Generale team events to date. We participate in at least four events of this type during the year:
- the 3rd of May Constitution Run
- the Warsaw Uprising Run
- the Independence Run
- Ekiden Relay Marathon.
Supporting music and young artists in Poland
We have been a partner of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw for 17 years. Every year, our Branch awards prizes to the University's most talented students, sponsoring the recording and release of a CD based on the winning project. To date, we have awarded 60 young artists and supported the recording of 19 CD albums.
Learn more about Societe Generale Group's CSR solidarity and charity activities.